Thursday, February 24, 2011


This dolphin tapestry is a new challenge for me to make. First, it uses Peyote stitch instead of Brick stitch, which I use for all other tapestries. Second, instead of using the beadscape, this pattern came with only word chart, and a tiny photo of what it'll look like at the end. So, it was kind of having a blind date with beads, not knowing if I beaded right or wrong.
But, the dolphin turned out to be perfect, to me anyways.
This tapestry is the biggest one I've ever made so far. It's 7 x 4.3 inches (18 x 11 cm) and used 28 colors. Actually the pattern says that it uses 9,100 size 11 delica beads.

Friday, February 11, 2011


While much of Asia celebrates the Year of the Rabbit, Vietnam is striking a note of independence from the dominance of Chinese culture and marking the beginning of the Year of the Cat. How did the cat replace the chinese rabbit? One of the reason was The Chinese word for rabbit is Mao which sounds like Meo in Vietnamese, which means cat.
Anyways, I happen to make cat as my project, and my Dad reminded me about the cat zodiac in Vietnam. Perfect coincidence.
This cat uses 26 colors, measuring 7.5cm x 9.5 cm (or 3 inches x 3.7 inches).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Happy Chinese New Year 2011!! It's Golden rabbit year and I made this to celebrate the new year. I rushed at making this because I wanted to finish before the new year started.
It took me around 10 days to complete. There are 36 different delica colors used.